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Mandated Crime Reporting Training

All authorized adults including faculty, staff, students and/or volunteers who will have direct contact with minors in a Program/Activity must complete Illinois State University's Crime Reporting Training through the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access (OEOA).

University Faculty/Staff Members: All ISU faculty, staff, and student workers will be required to complete the University's Mandatory Crime Reporting Training annually through the Office of Equal Opportunity and Access. University users will need to log on with CentralLogin to complete training. Please note that the training does not save your progress, meaning you cannot exit and return to the same spot within the training module. As such, you will need to complete the training during the same session.

Volunteers: Any University Program/Activity involving minors that utilizes volunteers will require the volunteers to complete the following Crime Reporting Training.  Volunteers will need to complete the training before they can participate in Program/Activity involving minors. Once a volunteer is added to an event, they will receive an email to complete the traiing. The volunteer training is available to download as an accessible PDF document here. The Program/Activity Sponsor(s) must coordinate, verify and record required completion of required training and certification(s) for all non-ISU faculty/staff Supervising Adults.

Training Exceptions: If completing the training is impractical, an exception requiring the volunteers to sign an acknowledgement of the requirements for reporting and interaction with the minors must be requested when registering Program/Activity and reviewed by the MACC.

Please remember, no one will be permitted to interact with minors without completing the required training.

Background Checks

A criminal background check is required on all authorized adults, including but not limited to faculty, staff, students, and volunteers, who work with, instruct or otherwise come into contact with minors as described in the Protection of Minors Policy. Background checks are provided by the University's Human Resources Department at no cost to University-Sponsored Programs/Activities.

Program Sponsors of Non-University Sponsored Programs are required to certify that they have conducted criminal background and sex offender registry checks of individuals who will have direct contact with minors, and release the University from liability. Please refer to the Outside Group tab for additional information.


The Sponsor will register the Program/Activity and provide event details. Any requests for exceptions must be submitted to and reviewed by the Minors Activity Compliance Committee. Once the Program/Activity request has been reviewed by the Minors Activity Compliance Committee, the Sponsor will be notified to proceed with one of the following background check processes:

If the Background checks will be conducted by ISU Human Resources, then,

  • The Sponsor will collect the names of all Supervising Adults and submit to the Minors Compliance Coordinator.
  • An email message will be sent to all individuals whose names are included on the list and request them to complete the background check.
  • The results of the background checks may take up to two-weeks, depending on the number and states of residence during the last seven years. ISU Human Resources will review results and share only participant eligibility with the Sponsor.
  • If a background check reveals a criminal record history, the individual will be referred to Human Resources Background Check Committee for evaluation consistent with University policy to determine eligibility. Human Resources will notify the sponsor of each individual’s participation eligibility only. Details of the background check results are not shared with the Sponsor.

If the background checks will be conducted on-site by Program/Activity Event Sponsor(s) independently, then,

  • Please Note: The Sponsor must request and be approved to conduct onsite criminal background checks.
  • Equipment and instructions will be checked out to the Sponsor to perform background checks on-site at Program/Activity.
  • Sponsors will scan Supervising Adults on-site at the Program/Activity.
  • Any Supervising Adult whose on-site scan reveals a sex offender history will not be able to participate in the Program/Activity.